My name is Norbert, I am a French IPSC handgun shooter but beginner in the practical shotgun area.
As a newbie, I was obviously looking for some equipment…
Load-4 (Load-Quad) Belts (Rigs, Platforms) for 3-Gun and Practical Shooting (IPSC, USPSA), UPDATED 2020
This is the first article about load-4 rigs for Practical Shooting (IPSC, 3-Gun, USPSA). It is going to be interesting for competitive shooters.
I asked owners or people close to the companies to tell about their products. Let’s start with 3 popular dual and quad loading platforms: King Competition Products, EZload and Z-Gun. I have sent requests to Invictus and Safariland, waiting for their answers.
Practical Shotgun Shooting (IPSC) for Beginners, Part 3 (Types of Targets and Stages)
The third article of the “Practical Shotgun Shooting for Beginners” series. Thanks for your great feedback and comments about the previous articles.
You can read the previous articles here:
Practical Shotgun Shooting (IPSC) for Beginners, Part 2 (Upgrades, Ammo Belts, Equipment)
Practical Shotgun Shooting (IPSC) for Beginners, Part 1 (Divisions, Ready Conditions, Basic Upgrades)
Le « shotgun IPSC » pour les nuls ! 3ème article : Les différentes cibles et les types de parcours.
Tout d’abord, « merci ! » pour les nombreux retours positifs sur les 2 précédents articles. Ci-joint je vous redonne les liens pour y accéder directement:
1er article : Divisions, conditions de départ, améliorations/modifications matériels.
2ème article : Améliorations/customisation, ceinture et équipements
- January 8, 2017
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Le « shotgun IPSC » pour les nuls ! 1er article : Divisions, conditions de départ, améliorations/modifications matériels.
French version of the Practical Shotgun Shooting for Beginners, Part 1 (Divisions, Ready Conditions, Basic Upgrades) article.
Je tiens à remercier mon ami Vitaly Pedchenko, administrateur de l’excellent site offrant une véritable mine d’informations sur les shotgun (fusils à pompe ou semi-automatique de calibre 12 principalement). La discipline Shotgun de l’IPSC est, en France, une discipline assez récente faisant déjà beaucoup d’émules. Je prends le parie que cette discipline va vraiment « grossir ». En effet, les championnats du monde se tiendront en France en 2018.
Ayant sympathisé avec Vitaly, je lui ai posé pas mal de questions pour mieux comprendre les subtilités de la discipline et m’aider dans mes choix d’équipements. Il m’a alors proposé de rédiger en anglais quelques articles de bases sur la discipline pour renseigner ceux (déjà dans le domaine de l’IPSC, handgun par exemple) qui comme moi souhaiteraient de se lancer, tandis que j’en ferai la traduction.
(Au passage je tiens à remercier Kim Leppänen- champion du monde standard manuel, Jaakko Viitala de King Competition, Georges Marye, toute la team ASC TSV et Julien Boit pour toutes les informations qu’ils ont aussi pu me donner)
Le texte ci-dessous est donc la traduction française du premier article écrit par Vitaly. Il s’agit encore une fois d’un article en lien avec le tir sportif IPSC adapté au shotgun. Règlement officiel téléchargeable sur
Bonne lecture,
Norbert PAPON
Practical Shotgun Shooting (IPSC) for Beginners, Part 1 (Divisions, Ready Conditions, Basic Upgrades)
The 3rd Shotgun World Shoot will be held in France in the year 2018. My friend Norbert Papon from France asked me a lot of questions because interest to shotguns grows in France. They are certainly experienced shooters when it comes to rifles and handguns, but shotguns are something new to them. That is why I decided to write a series of articles about shotguns in IPSC.
First of all, I think that shotgun shooting matches are the most fun and the most spectacular competitions around. Targets on birdshot stages are usually very close, the shots are very powerful and you can see clouds of dust and metal plates traveling long distances through the air. It is fun to shoot such powerful firearms.
- November 26, 2016
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Best Shoes for Practical Shooting (IPSC)
I receive a lot of questions about equipment I use for practical shooting. One of the good questions is what shoes to use for practical shooting. I use two models: Lowa Men’s Zephyr GTX and Salomon Speedcross 3. Both models are great, I have used Lowa for most of the competitions but now started using Salomon shoe.
- August 15, 2013
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- Accessories, Shoes
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Remington 870 for Competition Shooting (IPSC)
Here are several photos of the Remington 870 with upgrades for competition shooting (IPSC). One of the upgrades is a shell holder on the stock which is similar to LoadMaster Systems.
- May 15, 2012
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- Accessories, Competition, IPSC, Upgrades, USPSA
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