10 Steps to Upgrade Your Remington 870 Express to Police Version
The Remington 870 is a pump action shotgun model that is one of the best in the world. There are many different versions of the Remington 870 and each version is made for different purposes. The Remington 870 Police version is based off the Remington 870 Express model. The Express was always considered an important shotgun in the sporting, home defense and recreational shooting market. But despite the cosmetic differences of the various Remington 870 shotguns, they all have very similar parts inside of them. The Remington 870 Police uses the same platform as the 870 Express because they are both suitable for the streets and tactical use. However the functionality of the 870 Police version is superior to that of any other Remington 870 version.
- August 13, 2013
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- 150301
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Speedfeed Pistol Grip Shotgun Stock for Remington 870
Even the most experienced shooters realize that recoil can change the way they shoot. Some shooters will develop a flinch because of the expected recoil, which reduces accuracy and can cause the butt to slam into the shoulder instead of allowing the entire body to absorb the recoil. Low recoil loads are not always an option because of the reduced range and impact. Another option is a recoil reducing stock.
- April 16, 2013
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- 11202
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Remington 870 in Desert Camo and Multicam
owenator77 has posted nice pics of his Remington 870 shotguns on Remington 870 Forum:
Here are my 2 babies.
First up is my 870 tac recon. I loved the stock, but I love the feel of a pistol grip on a long gun, so it had to go.
- February 8, 2013
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- 6862
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Home Defense Remington 870 Shotgun: Police Magnum, Clamp, Oversized Safety,
Dear readers of Rem870.com blog,
Today I want to share with you a great article by Jonathan Paul about his Remington 870 Police shotgun. Jon, thank you very much!
- April 28, 2010
- 6
- 12586
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