Exotic 12 Gauge Ammo Review, Part 3
Part 2: Exotic 12 Gauge Ammo Review, Part 2
Thanks to Charles Wolf from Wolf Hill Trading Co. for the ammunition provided for tests.
You can buy all the exotic shotgun ammunition on the following website: http://www.wolfhilltradingco.com
Special thanks to Tommy Geraci, one of the blog readers for making this review!
12 Gauge M855 Shotgun Rounds

12 Gauge M855 Shotgun Round
The M855 utilizes 40 tungsten steel cores out of the SS109 5.56 round. This is a lighter load with minimal wall penetration and nice spread. This round can stop any intruder while also being somewhat home defense friendly. If your looking for a home defense round check into the M855.

12 Gauge M855 Shotgun Round Pattern
The M855 has a spread of approximately 13X6” at 15 feet. This round I would consider using for home defense, due to the fact that the M855 cores are designed to tumble upon impact slowing them down substantially and further reduces the possibility for over penetration.
Incendiary Slug Shotgun Rounds

Incendiary Slug Shotgun Rounds
The incendiary slug also known as dragons slug, makes use of a lead slug topped with an incendiary tip.

Incendiary Slug Shotgun Round in Action
A flash from the tip of the Incendiary Slug could not be seen upon impact. However, this shot was taken around dusk so I can’t rule it a total failure. It could have been that it wasn’t dark enough outside to see any of the pyrotechnics. I will have to conduct another test on it at a later time.
These rounds are not legal in all states be sure to check outhttp://www.wolfhilltradingco.com to learn more.
All the exotic rounds reviewed above are chambered in 12 gauge 2 3/4’’ shot shells and can be shot out of a barrel equipped with an improved cylinder, modified, or tactical choke.
(NOTE: It is highly recommended that the flechette round be fired out of an improved cylinder for greater performance). For any further questions you may have please contact wolfhilltradingco.com. (The barrel used to create this review is an improved cylinder factory Remington 870 barrel).
You can buy all the exotic shotgun ammunition on the following website: http://www.wolfhilltradingco.com
Shotgun Ammo on Brownells:
This is an excellent overview of some very exotic shotgun ammo, I really enjoyed your rundown. Real world testing is great. Reminds me of the boxoftruth website back in the day.
You might want to try dixie slugs tri ball 3″ for something very unique.
Thanks! That was a great and fun test!
Great Again……you highlight some great Exotic Ammo !!!
Have you ever shot an A5 BAR? I have a ’60 FN WHALE with a Nordic +9 so it’s an A14 REALLY