Exotic 12 Gauge Ammo Review, Part 1
Thanks to Charles Wolf from Wolf Hill Trading Co. for the ammunition provided for tests.
You can buy all the exotic shotgun ammunition on the following website: http://www.wolfhilltradingco.com
Special thanks to Tommy Geraci, one of the blog readers for making these review!
Flechette Shotgun Rounds

Flechette Shotgun Rounds
The flechette round carries about 30 1 inch steel dart shaped projectiles. Flechette is French for “little arrow” or “dart”. Flechettes have been used in taking out snipers hiding in thick brush or trees. This round was dispersed into action in the Vietnam War era. With the thick brush and guerrilla warfare the probability of hitting your target was greater. Flechette’s are also known for their light body armor piercing abilities. Some also refer to this round as “The Beehive”. The 12 gauge flechetterounds are chambered in 2 3/4” 12 gauge shot shells. Flechette’sare recommended to be fired using an improved cylinder bore barrel rather than a barrel equipped with a modified or tactical choke.

Flechette Shotgun Rounds Pattern
The Flechettes have an overall spread of 19X10” at 15 feet. Other than the enormous amount of spread, off camera the Flechettes pierced through a phone book proving it has tremendous penetrable capabilities.
Dragon’s Breath Shotgun Rounds

Dragon's Breath Shotgun Rounds

Dragon's Breath Shotgun Rounds
Dragon’s Breath is a magnesium-based pyrotechnic shotgun round that emits sparks and at times flames. These exotic 12 gauge roundsare similar to a short-range flamethrower, which can produce flames up to 100 feet. It can be used as a flare in distress situations. There is little to no combat record of dragon’s breath being used in the field. At close range this round can be very effective however dragons breath rounds are not relied on in tactical scenarios. It is not practical to use an incendiary round when there is a risk of catching a house or building on fire, which could possibly cause civilian casualties. These rounds offer great fun for recreational shooting. Just ensure there are no flammable materials in the general direction that the roundisfired.

Dragon’s Breath Shotgun Rounds in Action
Pictured above is me shooting a Dragons Breath round. This round is great fun to shoot at night, but fires can break out so be sure to have a fire extinguisher handy or have the fire department on standby. Because this round is an incendiary round and the chance of not fully eliminating a target is high. It would cause severe burns and would catch light clothing on fire. However it’s just not practical to use for anything other than a novelty round and or for a nice pyrotechnical display at nighttime.
Ball and Chain Shotgun Rounds

Ball and Chain Shotgun Rounds
Some refer to this round as the Bolo round. It features two .58 Caliber musket balls connected by a 4 inch seven strand wire cable, some refer to the cable as piano wire. The ball and chain causes massive devastation to the impacted area.

Ball and Chain Shotgun Round Pattern
The Ball and Chain caused an impact area of approximately 2X3” at 15 feet. Off camera I was able to slice through two 600-page phone books like a hot knife through butter. If you want a fun powerhouse of a round look no further.
Buck and Slug Shotgun Rounds

Buck and Slug Shotgun Rounds
The buck and slug features a 1oz sabot slug followed by 9 / 00 buck shot balls. This powerful round has plenty of knock down power, and would be devastating to anything you put in front of it.

Buck and Slug Shotgun Round Pattern
The overall spread of the Slug and Buck is approximately 4X6” at 15 feet. I was aiming center mass, I would not recommend this round in a situation where accuracy is key.
Read more: 2nd part of the exotic rounds review
You can buy all the exotic shotgun ammunition on the following website: http://www.wolfhilltradingco.com
Shotgun Ammo on Brownells:
I purchased KELTEC KSG, KELTEC KS7, and MOSSBERG 930. Not sure, but I am sure these Exotic rounds should not have trouble in my 12GA(s) that I purchased, what do you think ???